December 2, 1997 (Mary)

My dear children,

Let your hearts be filled with joy as you rest in the assurance of Christ Jesus's love and the abundance of His mercy. Listen closely to the gentle whisper as He calls your name for you are summoned into the service of His Divine Kingdom. Prepare well your hearts for those who seek will surely find a love of such
magnitude, that nothing can separate you from Him whose very life was laid down for you. Call upon Him always for He seeks to draw you close to His heart ---- to rid your soul of fear as the light of His love will shield your soul from the despair of sin.

Come to Him, little ones, ---- I urge you ---- do not hesitate. I am here, my children, to assist you. My hand ---- I extend to you ---- take hold and allow Me to present you to My Son. There remains much to do. Do all that you can ---- we ask no more of you than to share the love of Him who is pure love.

Peace and love!

  • Hits: 3617

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.