December 14, 1997 (Mary)

My dear children,

My heart fills with joy as you gather to pray and lift your petitions to Jesus. We do hear you, little ones, as your prayers become even sweeter as you struggle with daily trials yet out of love you lift your voices in praise and gratitude to your

loving Savior. I am with you and intercede for each one who calls for my assistance. Patiently endure that which comes. Prepare your hearts and those of the children as these times will not be kind ---- and yet they will be a time of great grace. My precious ones, you are dearly loved ---- in turn, I ask you to pray for the gift of love ---- unconditional love for one another.

Listen, My children, ---- hear the angels as they sing their praises in unison with your prayers.

Peace and love!

  • Hits: 2724

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.