December 26, 1997 (Jesus)

My people,

Hearken, My children, to the sound of My voice. You are My people whom I call ---- to love ---- to serve ---- and to draw others to the fountain of My mercy. Heed the words of My Mother whom I have sent to lead you to the sanctuary of My most Sacred Heart. She is the heaven sent ---- Holy One, who through humility and holy obedience is the Queen who lovingly reaches out with such gentle compassion to embrace each of My sheep and lead them to the fountain of My mercy.

My people, I love you and desire each one to be with Me in eternity. Do not fear nor be misled but come to Me and be reconciled as I seek to cleanse and purify your souls. Rejoice for I am with you always. Trust Me as I will never leave you but will continuously seek your eternal happiness. Let not your faith wither or be subdued by the errors of this world ---- I desire hearts filled with the confident assurance that My Word is True! As My promises to Abraham were revealed many years ago, so too, my promises hold true to those whose faith does not falter. Take courage, my people! This time of darkness soon fades into a new day of hope which brightens the horizon.

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.