July 20, 1997 (12:00 p.m.) (Mary)

My little ones,

I find joy in the hearts that have been given to me. I love you and desire your happiness. My little ones, know true happiness is to be found in Jesus.

Be the glow emitting from the candle which burns ever so brightly. So must your love for Jesus burn within your hearts. Watch as the gentle breeze tosses

the candle light to and fro, yet the light still burns. The breeze is your time of trouble, yet because you trust Jesus, your light still burns. Be patient , my little ones, do not let your light go out. Peace to you, my candles of love.

July 20, 1997

(Arizona residence: Paul, Lucy, Jerry and Pat) (Mary)

My precious little ones,

Know that I your Mother am here in your midst joining my prayers with yours. Delight my precious one in the joy of the souls who have this moment joined the Saints in heaven. My love surrounds and protects you. I thank you, my little ones----rejoice! (Lucy could smell the fragrance of roses about the fourth decade of the rosary --- A gift from our Mother)
  • Hits: 2900

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.