November 1, 1997 (Mary)

My dear children,

We are with you to instill peace in your hearts and minds. Without our peace, you will become lost and easily be misled as time swiftly reaches the final hour of decision.

My children, do not allow the concerns of this world to infiltrate the peace and tranquility of the futile fields of your soul. Realize, My dear ones, our messages must be heard even if it is in the silence of your hearts. Be warned and cautious yet faithfully resolve to persevere until the end. All that is revealed must and will take place. It is you, my precious children, who will choose how to disseminate the information given. Pray much and ask for the Holy Spirit to fill your hearts with wisdom whereby knowledge and peace will fill your hearts. Cast away all fear as much remains to be done. Let love be your guide as your journey continues.

We love you, dear children, and bestow grace upon grace to lighten your burdens as you journey forward to holiness.

Peace and love!

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.