November 6, 1997 (Mary)

My dear children,

I have chosen simple but meaningful words to relay my messages to you. In this means of communication hearts and ears long since closed to the real world of spirituality will be opened to respond more fully to the precious gifts sent by heaven ---- by My Son who reaches out to each of you with gentle compassion. He holds each soul with such tenderness that even the loving heart of a mother could not acquire the depth of His Divine Love

You have strayed so far, my precious ones, yet still His love and forgiveness remain unchanged. You are His and His you will remain until you choose otherwise. All is a matter of choice. There is heaven and yes, there is hell. So many believe they will have the opportunity to change before the Great Judgment ---- this is so foolish, my little ones, for you do not know when you will be called. Prepare now ---- much lies ahead and many will not be ready. Pray continuously for all life should be a prayer of thanksgiving . Let pure love be the intention of your heart for God in His greatness will honor such intentions. Pray more earnestly than ever, my children, for the evil of his world is deceptive and longs to prey on unsuspecting souls. Peace and love!

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.