November 12, 1997 (Mary)

My dear children,

I come with love and the gentleness of peace to reassure your precious faithfulness to the Divine love of My Son. You are called, my little ones, to recognize the power and beauty of the purity of love which We seek to instill in your hearts ---- hearts full of compassion and love for one another.

Never feel abandonment, my children, for we bestow the grace of hope into each heart in which the Holy Spirit dwells. Seek the gift of discernment whereby your hearts will be opened and receptive to the graces which we desire to bestow upon each of you in abundance ---- abundance of which you have yet to comprehend.

Let the seed of faith take root into your hearts as it will be nurtured and grow. Others will be drawn to the beauty of your souls and thus Jesus who lives in your will be glorified. Praise be Jesus the Light of Love. You are the glow of His light - --- shine brightly, my dear ones, for many will be led to the light of eternal life.

Peace and love!

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.