November 20, 1997 (Mary)

My dear children,

Truly I tell you the time for decision grows shorter each day. Now more than ever before you must choose to live in harmony with the Will of God. Allow God to take His rightful place of first in your lives ---- willingly surrender all that which is within you to Him who wishes only to draw you close to His pure love.

My heart is filled with compassion and my eyes swell with tears as I watch My children in their humanity seek only to be governed by human desires of pleasure leading to corruption of body and soul.

Dear children, it is important you become aware of the intensity of these times. Many hearts which seek oneness with God. You will be tested to the point of near exhaustion but because of your childlike trust you will be given angels to guard and guide your every step ---- do not despair in times of difficulty for as gold is tested by fire --- so must you my little ones, be tested. Never fear but rejoice as you draw closer to perfection in His love.

Peace and love.

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.