November 21, 1997 (Mary)
My daughter,
I have cautioned you of these difficult times in previous messages. The road you have chosen is not an easy one, but it is rewarding. The greatest rewards, my daughter, await you at journeys end not in this world which suppresses Godliness and finds amusement in those individual goals of holiness. Be strong in your faith and persevere in the goals we have set before you. Much good can and will be brought to fruit at the given time ---- God's time, which is always perfect. Love my daughter, those who seek to cause harassment and pain for though you sought
to embrace martyrdom for love of Jesus, now you must realize martyrdom takes many forms. Rejoice as persecution comes. Know , my daughter, those who persecute will also encounter the risen Christ. Our love surrounds you and that which you wish to accomplish in this holy place.
Peace, dear one, ---- be filled with Our Peace.