October 1, 1997 (Mary)

My dear children,

We bring you our gifts of love and peace to lighten your burdens as your journey through life. Understand, my children, the beauty and importance in accepting the trials and sufferings which come your way as a means to bring souls to the fountain of My Son's Mercy. He is the loving Shepherd who protects His flock from danger sending His angels to guard your every step in your journey through life.

We call you to trust, dear children ---- trust in the God of Mercy and Love. Seek to be obedient in your service to the Lord. You must become strong and deeply rooted in your faith for soon that faith will be put to the test. Your time here is precious. Each day of life presents an opportunity for conversion ---- for spiritual growth. Prepare now and prepare well, for many will come seeking the love and compassion of Jesus. You are His earthen vessels of love ---- reach out and embrace those who are lost and gently lead them to Jesus.

Prepare, my children, as the time of change comes. Persevere ---- do not be anxious, but take each day as it comes ---- one at a time.

Peace, My children!

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.