October 8, 1997 (Mary)

My dear children,

I desire, my precious ones, that each of you come to the realization that prayer is true communion with God. Prayer is warmth of love and understanding ---- an abode where the heart finds peace. In finding peace you find strength and in strength - courage to persevere in your quest for truth.

As you earnestly strive to become pure of heart, you will leave the desires of this world and thus enter into the realm of holiness.

We stand close to you, dear children, ready to assist in all your needs. You have but to make the effort ---- desire with your heart ---- and graces will flow to sustain and encourage you. Trust, little ones and allow your faith to grow as I, your Mother, intercede for you carrying your heart felt petitions before the Lord. Pray and encourage each other always.

Peace, My children!

  • Hits: 3039

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.