October 11, 1997 (Mary)

My dear children,

Through the infinite mercy of My Son, I have been allowed to guide you onto the path of humility which leads to a greater understanding of the Divine Will. This, my children, is essential as you strive for a greater degree of holiness in your lives. As you draw closer to purity of heart and mind know you are truly becoming one with your Creator and thus this world will hold no attachments for you. This is spiritual joy and fulfillment which the soul seeks in its efforts to return to Him, the Lord and Giver of Life.

Your journey will become increasingly difficult as the underlying deceptions are now filtering into the Church. Know your true faith ---- read and learn ---- teach one another and align yourselves with the true Magisterium of the Church. Prepare ---- ---- pray and prepare. There is so much to do, dear ones. Many battles lie ahead and you, My faithful remnant have much responsibility.

Peace and love.

You into whose hearts my words have found rest are urged to be tireless warriors in the now intense battle for souls.

As you draw closer to God's pure love, you will gradually comprehend that without this love nothing can exist ---- for out of love you were created and out of love, Divine Love, you are called in turn to love. Only by loving with pure hearts can the evils which have taken control of so many souls be thwarted.

You are given the graces to take charge of your own lives, but you must choose to do so. You must willingly seek humility for in your humility you will draw closer to God. He deeply loves the humble souls who allow Him to be first in their lives. Place God first always, my little ones, and your journey will lead to holiness.

Love and peace, my children!


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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.