October 13, 1997 (Mary)

My dear children,

Peace and love I extend to you this day as I gather you under My Mantel . You, my little remnant of prayer warriors, do not fully comprehend the great responsibility that comes as you choose to be obedient to My Son's will. This obedience must be in your actions as well as in your prayer life. The time of accountability rapidly approaches ---- you, my little ones, must account not only for what you have done ---- but also for what was left undone.

Those hearts which have willingly received and nurtured my messages are themselves now messengers. I solemnly tell you ---- greater is the responsibility of one who has heard then one who has not heard. My messages which have fallen upon the rocky soil of unreceptive hearts will bear no fruit ---- but your hearts, my precious ones, have been prepared as the fertile fields of evangelization and thus must bear much fruit.

My children, so little time remains. Seek mercy while mercy is still offered. The time soon comes when this great gift will elude you. Pray with sincere hearts and I will intercede for you.

Peace and love, my little ones.

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.