October 14, 1997 (Jesus)

My children,

You are well advised to take caution in discerning the events of your time. Be prayerful people as many false prophets will come trying to deceive you ---- to steal your peace. Do not be misled, but be well rooted in My Word. I have not changed nor has My Word which was given to you many centuries ago. Diligently search My Holy Scriptures for therein lies the answers you seek ---- the great mystery of life is unveiled . Many do not seek and thus remain blinded ---- My intended tranquility of life has been replaced by chaos and anxiety.

My Mother is the tireless crusader of lost souls. She lovingly pleads for you, my lost sheep, as she gently gathers each of you under Her mantle of love guarding and guiding you to the peace of My Heart. Listen well to Her call ---- prepare your hearts ---- do not persist in your unbelief, but faithfully test that which is revealed to you and believe!

I caution you, my children, be prepared. The hour soon comes when all will know of My existence. Will I find you eagerly awaiting your loving Savior? The entrapments of worldly desires have blocked your vision and thus you must diligently pray for the scales to fall from your eyes ---- open your hearts as I pour forth My love and mercy upon all who will receive Me.

You are my beloved children ---- come as my arms are outstretched to draw you close to My Heart. I bless you with My peace as I ask you to walk in the confident assurance of My Love.

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.