October 18, 1997 (Mary)

My dear children,

I invite you this day to live my messages. You have been called into the service of My Son's army of prayerful warriors of love. My children, draw close to me and follow my example always seeking to bring others to Jesus. You must be patiently persistent in your desire for holiness as each day presents its own page of life written with joy and disappointments. Pray, my children, to love others as Jesus loves you.

The more Christ- like you become on this your journey through life, the more you will love. It is in this love you will learn to detest sin in all its horror and disfigurement. Turn away from your old evil nature as now you are new creatures in Christ Jesus. Others will see the light of My Son shining forth from you and will be drawn onto the path of righteousness by the example of your love. Live your faith ---- you must not be hearers only, but also doers.

Pray for a deeper understanding of this gift of true love. Love, my children, can change many hearts and alter the course of their final destiny. Be the simple soul who seeks only to do the will of God as great will be your reward in heaven. Rest in Our love and peace, my children.

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.