September 5, 1997 (Mary)

My children,

We gather each of you unto our hearts which beat for love of you. Know precious ones of the many graces you have received which have allowed the scales to fall from your eyes permitting sight ---- sight to see the beauty of God and that which has been tarnished through neglect and disobedience. That which is of this world will soon fade, but you My faithful ones must not allow your souls to wither and die. Learn to nourish them daily ---- become conscious of that which pleases God
.............. to obey and do HIS HOLY WILL.

As each day passes you must become more and more prepared ---- learning to solely depend on God. There is nothing you can do my children without surrendering your wills to His. There can be no true peace or love unless you choose to walk in the footsteps of My Son. If you so choose this journey we will walk with you supporting you from either side. Believe my precious ones, for your cross must be carried ---- your walk to Calvary cannot be avoided. If you truly love My Son hear His words ---- pick up your cross and follow Him. Do not waste time ---- there is little left my children. Please be filled with peace knowing you journey home from whence you came.

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.