September 14, 1997 (Mary)

My dear children,

You have but to look about you and see the change and moral decay of your world. My precious ones, Jesus is your only hope ---- the only hope to save a world so bent on self destruction. Look into the faces of those whom you meet. Do you see peace ---- My son's peace? I think not, my dear ones.

There is such an intensity to get through life that it is over before my children realize what has happened. Take time each day to spend with My Son. He always has time for you ---- it is you who do not ---- will not ---- fit Him into your schedule of life.

Know my little ones, from Him whom life came so to Him will all life return. Prepare, dear children ---- make the peace of Jesus of the utmost importance in your life. You must strive for holiness. Take the lives of the Saints who through their human sufferings found peace ---- the treasure of life which they presented to My Son with hearts full of love and gratitude. I desire, my precious ones, you take this precious gift of life with all its stains and imperfections and offer it unconditionally to My Son who will weave it into the tapestry of eternal life.

My children, my stay here grows short. I have come as the loving mother to encourage you that you may in turn encourage others. The darkness soon comes and you, lambs of My Son's, must be prepared. Increase your prayers with great intensity. So many souls have become smothered by the weeds of the fields ---- you are the gardeners who must lovingly pick the delicate souls from the fields which I your mother, will gather and present to My Son. Hurry, children. Please hurry. Peace!

  • Hits: 2421

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.