September 30, 1997 (Mary)

My dear little ones,

Peace, my children. We desire that all hearts be filled with our peace. Focus on the beauty of My Son's love and mercy.

Do not become distracted by the fleeting moments of worldly pleasures, but seek always the source of true happiness, Jesus!

By His redemptive powers you have been set free ---- free to become holy people of God. The gift of life, my children, must be highly cherished and protected.

Pray from your hearts for the many souls whose lives have been extinguished ---- those whose contribution to life will never be known. I weep, my children, for those who take life so lightly ---- this precious gift from my Son. Know, my children, He is greatly saddened by this grievous offense to life. Pray intensely for an end to this sin of abortion for the consequences of this injustice have greatly stirred the Justice of My Son. He will avenge His Little Ones. Pray ---- the time of justice draws near. Peace, dear children!

  • Hits: 2129

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.