February 16, 1998 (Mary)

My dear children,

I search each heart for the quiet corner in which My words will fall undisturbed and unruffled by worldly cares ---- that small corner where together We will sing of the greatness of God ---- Our most merciful and loving Creator. It is in My Heart I have gathered My faithful remnant ---- My heart is the refuge where you may draw strength to combat the evils of moral decay spreading throughout your country.

You, My children, are being sent as a sacrifice of love for it is only through pure love can the course of ones soul be changed. By Divine Love, each was rescued -- -- saved through mercy ---- so it is that each must strive to protect that which has been given. My little ones, you know My time here grows short. In these brief moments in time I have shared many things ---- I encourage you to read the messages ---- stay focused on Jesus where true peace lies. Be not disturbed but trust. Peace and love.

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.