February 21, 1998 (Mary)

My dear children,

You hear the wind as it's forces echo as it brushes throughout the trees ---- the fields of wheat ---- the flowers sent to adorn the earth in garments of beauty yet simplicity. Still your hearts are not so easily moved for though the seed of faith lies deeply within your hearts, you fail to recognize the existence of that which you cannot explain as faith is but a simple belief in that which you cannot see. It must be allowed to grow unhindered by doubt and distrust.

We wish to pour so many blessings upon you, dear children, but you must ask in faith and believe with your hearts that Our merciful and loving God hears the cries of your hearts responding to each need in accordance with His will and the depth of your faith. What shall you do, My little ones, if the roots of your faith have not been allowed to grow deeply within your hearts? You will easily become uprooted and left barren to dry upon the parched indifference of this world ---- to be blown about as the shafts of wheat left by the Harvest.

I urge you to become the most humble ---- the smallest amongst you for you will go unnoticed by man but will find favor with God. The choice remains yours. The time for decision is now ---- where do you stand. I pray and intercede for you that you will walk in faith ---- in pure love and trust that Almighty God, the Divine Creator, will gaze upon His handiwork with compassion and gather you amongst His chosen ones to be a living witness of His love and mercy.

Peace and love!

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.