February 27, 1998 (Mary)

My dear children,

The trials of life pull at you from many directions. We see your struggles to maintain balance ---- to maintain strong footings in your faith by not allowing the distractions of life to weave their subtle webs of oppression and confusion. This, My children, is a constant battle, but one in which these enemies of destruction will truly be defeated through the present awareness that Jesus has conquered the enemies of the flesh and calls you to trust totally in Him. Talk to Him ---- walk with Him ---- love Him and you will find yourself drawing closer to His Divine Love and Mercy ---- to the refuge of His Most Sacred Heart.

It is my prayer for you this day that the veil of fear and uncertainty will be lifted from your eyes that no longer will you fear that which you cannot see nor understand. My children, what is there to fear when death is but the door which opens to eternity. Be at peace, My little ones. Give Me your petitions that I may lay them before the throne of My Son, sweetening them as I intercede for you.

Peace and love!

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.