January 26, 1998 (Mary)

My dear children,

Pure joy fills My heart as love and devotion to My Son surges forward in your world of uncertainty and confusion. Look about you, My little ones and see that all who gather ---- gather in unity and love of Jesus. Great is the grace which overshadows you for much fruit will spring forth from the purity of your hearts and your desire for holiness. Perfection does not come in this world, My little ones, but perfect peace can be acquired through the love and trust in Jesus. Great is the grace which overshadows you for much fruit will spring forth from the purity of your hearts and your desire for holiness. Though you may grow weary, it is but a test of your true desire to love and serve the Lord. Be at peace through all life's trials for though judgment comes I intercede for you before My Son, the Perfection of Mercy ---- as His Heart stands ready to receive His beloved children. Do not fear but trust and continue onward in the challenges of life

Peace and love!

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.