January 31, 1998 (Mary)

My daughter,

Come closely, My child, for My words are those which only the open hearts can hear. Do not become discouraged as your humanity seeks to gain control of your daily trials for it is through your childlike faith that We will accomplish great works where many hearts will feel the warmth of Our embrace. You judge yourself unworthy but judgment is not yours ---- for only through God's great love and mercy does true judgment come. Be aware of the pains of sin which pierce your heart, but be equally aware of the Divine forgiveness which mends the broken hearted. Let not your heart be troubled for I am here to strengthen and encourage you. As the rose is beautiful and fragrant that stem which leads to its flower is filled with thorn the wounds of which quickly awaken the soul and thus lead it back to purity and love. Allow your faith to grow as each trial becomes a flower which I gather and present to My Son. Peace and love.

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.