August 14, 1999

"My precious children,

Praise be Jesus. In your presence He stands this night. He is the Holy One, He is the Lord. He welcomes you, My dear children                He calls you to come unafraid
with much trust. I, too, stand in your midst - arms open wide to receive you into My heart ---- the heart that is joined with My Son.

Tonight, dear ones, you have been awakened --- awakened to what lies in this world. It is from this world We call you to live --- not as a child lost and searching its way in darkness; but, We call you with such love into the light of our hearts that beat with joy for We see you come with so much, My children, ---- so much to lay at the throne of My Son. You do not need to carry these burdens, for My Son, your Lord, My Lord, stands ready to assist each and everyone of His children. Ask Him ---- call upon His Holy name. He is your Lord ---- yet, He is your dearest friend. One like Him you will not find on this earth.

Set your goals high, My children, ---- high beyond the world you know --- for in so doing, you will leave behind the cares of this world for the joy of Jesus will fill your heart!"

  • Hits: 3657

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.