August 28, 1999

"My beloved children,

Test and trials you shall not escape for I have touched each and every heart and have chosen you for purification. I accept your hearts --- the work of your hands -

-- for the harvest is ready, and My workers are so few. I send forth My Spirit to rest upon you, My chosen ones. Call upon Him for He is the guide ---- listen to Him ---- reject not His counsel. I have not called you, My children, unto a path smooth and without ripples, but I call you unto a path strewn with many obstacles.

Reach out your hands --- assist one another --- for together the harvest of souls must be completed. Time comes when all must be prepared. You are not alone ---

-  feel the Love that surrounds you."

August 28, 1999 - Second message

"Listen, my children, to the words of My Son. Tonight We have gathered each
heart and each heart We bury in the recesses of our hearts protected by Divine
Love. Be strong -- be bold with love --- for Love as it was meant to be is your
protection. You are blessed. Realize the gifts that you are given ---- nothing must
be wasted. Time ---- time, my children, quickly passes.

Work diligently for your reward lies in heaven."

  • Hits: 3551

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.