December 17, 1999

"My dear children,

The peace of My Son I bring to you this night. You are My special ones for you hold a place within My heart. Your hearts We have searched and now We rejoice because you are Ours. My children, I ask you now to look with the eyes of your hearts for I shall bring My Son to this holy mountain! (It has been discerned Our Lady is referring to the infant Jesus). Believe that We are here ---- do not let your faith be clouded by doubt, but know that you have been told what is true.

Rejoice with Me (slight pause for private message) My children, for tonight My heart beats with such love as I gaze upon the works of your hands and see the tenderness of your hearts. Receive my blessing, my precious children."

(Note: Our Lady indicated She wished us to receive this very special gift with great love and much faith for we can only "see" with the eyes of our hearts.)

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.