December 24th, 1999

(Christmas Eve - The Friday night Canyon Rosary: Immediately after the rosary, Our Blessed Mother requested the front row of chairs be removed from the Prayer Room. She then called for the children present to come and be blessed. She specifically stated we were not to awaken any of the sleeping children. She then said) :

"I bestow My special blessing upon these special little children. I take each of them and bless them with the sign of the Cross that they may grow strong and pure of heart in service to My Lord and Your Lord".

(Pat) She now calls each of us to come to receive Her blessing. (so as many as can fit around this area --- She is here) This is Her gift to us this night. We will each be anointed* with the sign of the cross. She said that any religious articles that you are wearing or have with you - She will bless. She asks only that you take this blessing and pass it on to those who were not able to be here tonight or to any of those in need of a tender - loving touch. Pass on this blessing for it shall be as if She personally had held each of them in Her arms.(Can every on e fit?)

A song was sung in tongues followed by its translation:"I call you all my precious children ---- I call you all into My Heart. Do not my dearest little children let fear or doubt cloud that which I send into your heart."(Pat relates) Receive the anointing of the Mother as She blesses us in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. (While resting in the Spirit:)

"My children, --- Each day for one week at the hour of three o¹clock recite the Divine Mercy and I shall come with Mercy Himself --- My beloved Son. I shall hold Him in My arms for all to see. Look with your hearts for you are blessed this night. Look, My children, feel Our presence."

*(Note: After listening to the audio recording of this message I questioned the word "anointing". Our Lord explained) --- "Even though Mary is not part of the Trinity as we know it, She is the spouse of the Holy Spirit, the Mother of the Son of God and hand picked by God the Father Himself as His chosen servant who is now elevated to Queen of Heaven and Earth. She indeed used the word "anointed / anointing" for as graces pour forth from My hands through Hers, so too, the power of anointing is also given in special circumstances as I desire. I need not explain all things to you, My child, for I wish you to ponder and discern on a more spiritual level rather than confine yourself to the simple aspects of life as (Further clarification was given on other issues at this time) you now know it."

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.