December 31, 1999 The Seventh day - 3:00 pm Chaplet/Rosary

Tongues.......... "I greet Thee, My Lord and My God...."
"My children,

I stand before you this day --- this final of the seven days to express My gratitude and My intense love for each of you. This day has much meaning for in each heart this day has been placed a special gift. In just a moment I will send the Holy Spirit to light the flame above each of His children. Be at peace and be assured that each one here shall have at least one flame glowing from the top of their head. My gifts I have freely given --- I now ask you in return to so give them to others for My children are so in need. Listen to these words before you commit yourselves. If you choose to accept these gifts knowing full well they are to be shared, I extend to you the pen of Divine Love and ask you of your own free will to reach out and write your name across My Sacred Heart. Will you do this for Me, My children?

I stand before you with My Mother and I have asked My beloved St. Joseph to join us this day as each of Us at this moment extend Our blessings upon you. Rejoice for the graces you have received are unheard of, My children. You are truly blessed. Follow Me. I go before you ---- take courage. Come follow Me!"

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.