July 22, 1999

"My dear children:

You are so blessed-------- never take for granted these graces. I, your Mother, wish
only to protect My children. (brief message in tongues).

My precious little ones, please pray for peace --- peace in your families --- peace in your Country --- peace throughout your world; but, My children, the peace for which you pray must begin in your heart. Look to the valley below --- one light shone through the darkness and then another. Look now, My children, --- so many lights! You, My precious ones, are the glow from the candle of My Son's holy light --- one light is dim, but together your lights will brighten this darkness.

We come with reassurance of Our unending love, but you must be strong. Our presence here will soon fade, but the seeds We have planted in the fertile fields of your hearts will grow for so many of Our children (spoke in tongues) will not be lost because the word of My Son will permeate the air. He awaits all of His children ---- His patience ---- His love, and His mercy are yours, My dear children. You must be strong and you must --- you must believe that My Son's  mercy will embrace all of His children.

Come to the fountain of His mercy --- come here, My children, the signs and the wonders you will see. Trust always in your loving Savior for he truly has claimed you. You are His.

Be at peace, Oh precious ones!"

  • Hits: 3625

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.