November 12, 1999

"My dear children,

I wish you to bring to Me, your Mother, this night all your pains --- your sorrows and your sufferings, and these, My beloved children, I shall gather as I move amongst you touching each heart as I go. I shall take all of these into My heart and from My heart shall flow the healing balm of love. I am preparing you, my dear ones, as now is the time that you prayers will be put into action. Pray with much intensity --- yet a gentleness of spirit and My love shall support you in these times which come. You are called to do the will of My Son. Each heart is now ready. Children --- hear your Mother- a Mother whose love would not allow
harm to come to one She loves so dearly. As My Son has placed your care in My hands, know I shall not fail you. Trust now more than ever before --- let your faith become alive that all who hear --- all who see -- will know that Christ, My Son, dwells within you. You are loved. Be strong ---- be strong ---- be strong!

We shall not fail you!"

(Visual after message): "Don’t understand --- fire --- wall of fire --- people --- pull them through."

  • Hits: 3488

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.