September 26, 1999

My dear children,

Learn from My words. I am but a Mother Who comes out of love for your (Our) children. She, a mother, does not forsake her child but continues to reach out her arms to embrace --- to love --- and to forgive. It is through forgiveness that you shall grow. It is through unconditional love that you must learn to come to Him (Jesus) through trials and tribulations. Love as you know it is not the same as Our love, for Ours is already unconditional. I await for all My children when they struggle for they have not learned to love My Son (by total trust and abandonment). The choices in their lives must be sought with such intensity to draw away from this life¹s false gods so that they may have the true peace which only Jesus can give. I watch you with My heart ---- My heart of thorns for the pain which you feel, but I give you My heart and ask --- will you give Me yours in return?"

September 26, 1999

“My beloved children,

I have been with you these few days. I have examined your hearts and found them worthy --- worthy to receive My words. No longer must I call you children who stumble and fall, but I call you to maturity of faith for I have entrusted into your hands a great mission. It is not the time to turn back --- it is the time of great joy for the doors of My heart are open. Extend your hand as Mine is outstretched to you. Take hold and feel the strength of your God. Trust Me for I have not misled you. I have always been with you. I have watched you grow, but understand with such growth ---- if your heart remains pure ---- your responsibilities will increase.

I call you to deeper prayer. I call you to reconcile all differences for I will purify and purge all My servants that they will be ready for these most difficult times. Rejoice for you have chosen not to reject Me, My beloved children, and I will always be at your side."

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.