April 6th, 2001

(Just prior to the visual, the audio tape picked up “ water, need water. I'm so  thirsty ... must keep climbing”. There is a hill and there are a lot of people around the hill  lots of people. They don't go all the way around. I can't see
anything on the other side of the hill. Maybe they can't stand over there. There is
a path leading up to the top........ kind of like a semi circle.. like there are two
ways up, but they are all connected. It's strange because I'm looking down and
there are so many colored "tops".... must be head-dresses, but they look like afield of flowers ......... but ..they're not flowers.............. they're not flowers. Where isJesus?.......... Where is Jesus?There is a line of troops between the people and an area not quite on the top of the hill and I see coming through with an escort          it is Jesus! He's no longercarrying His cross. His head is bent way down....... it's hard to breathe...... so hard
to breathe. There is a man and he's on a horse and he says "yes". Now there is a
woman ......... they are letting this woman through.... it's Mary. Her eyes are soswollen........ so full of tears ... but she has to be brave ...."I have to be brave for MyJesus". She says............. “Son”..... and Jesus turns His head. His hair is all mattedwith blood. His eyes are caked with dried blood and tears and yet ........... Hesees .......... (we then heard the word) ...“Mother”. That's all they can say, but theireyes........... their eyes embrace even though their bodies cannot.... theirhearts ... their hearts that have always been united are still bound as one. She has
been sent back now and they take Him and they have laid his cross on the ground. He obediently lays on His cross. His mutilated body is just waiting. They grab
his hand ...... it's His right hand and He sees the nail .....  and He says nothing.
They place the nail on His .... (looks like His wrist).... and I hear the hammer on
the nail............... He moans and moans. Then, He hears His Mother and She is
weeping. He cannot do anything but be silent. He will not moan again. They take
His left arm and (what are they doing???)..... they are pulling it .......  itdoesn't fit ........  what are they doing? .... (long pause)...... It's finally secured to the
cross. Only tears fill His eyes .... no more murmuring. He doesn't wish to cause any more pain to His mother. They stretch His legs .... (there is a large man sitting on His shins to straighten His legs so the nail can be driven into His feet). He just

lays now. His body secured to its final physical torture. I'm looking for the eyes .... He always calls us to see His eyes. There is no hatred .... there is no anger there is only such compassion. The sky turns a strange color. It's graynow and the people ... they become like lifeless grayish statues. There is no more movement everything fades now and our Lord says:"Looking with the eyes of love is a gift bequeathed by the Father for those who seek truth. Without the eyes of love you cannot see the heart ................................................................................................................. especially the

hearts ...... those hearts entangled in ignorance and self righteousness. These
hearts have been bound with ropes far heavier and stronger than those used to
restrain your Savior for their restraints are those of pride and injustice.

I call you ........... those who stand with Me........ to go as gentle doves carrying My
love and forgiveness into a world which does not seek My mercy. You, My children, must be merciful. Your pain and rejection I shall receive as a  fragrant offering for all souls for whom you pray."
  • Hits: 3594

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.