April 20th, 2001

(Pat) "I do not recognize you. Please identify yourself.” I am but an angel of God sent to prepare the way for the Most Holy Mother. Each heart must now be ready to hear Her words for She comes to bring love, healing and peace into each heart. Listen as the Queen approaches."

" My beloved children,

Know that these spiritual works you have done during this Lenten season------
your increase in prayer, sacrifice and penance have not gone without notice, but have indeed produced great fruits. Many souls have been graciously infused with

blessings from Our Lord--------- graces to strengthen them for the time approaches

when these precious souls will find their cross heavier and heavier -------  yet,
through the prayers of the faithful during this past season, God's grace has

showered them with strength ----- for not only has their cross become heavier, but
their faith and trust in God's Holy Will shall be tested.

These are times in which many will be tested. Times My children, that hearts will awaken, where you no longer must be absorbed in self. For I tell you will not bring joy and by your constant application of self-will delusion invites confusion. God's rightful place in your heart must come first. Embrace the trials before you for you are My little warriors of love. I have given you a gentle spirit and patience to persevere. Trust, My children. Look at Our Hearts eternally united* in love and find healing and comfort by Our example of obedience to the Father's Will.

Remember, My children, unless you make a conscientious effort to empty yourselves of all that which would distance you from God, you will be lost in a pool ---- stagnated in a pool of self-love. Stay focused on My Jesus. His gentle

gaze will penetrate each soul with waters of purifying love. Be brave, My little children. I bless you this night. Look and see how much we love you."

(Visual: I see a display of lights all around two very brilliant "people". I know they are Jesus and Mary. No longer in sorrow but in radiant attire and their Hearts         flowing from each Heart--ribbons (?) --- strings (?) but they are
floating down to all these souls below. As these souls reconcile themselves with God. I see a little heart that attaches itself to this ribbon and it gently floats up.
One by one-------- millions of hearts flow into the Hearts of Our Lord and His
Mother. It's almost as though Their Hearts are super imposed one on the other. I see flames and thorns. It's like all one Heart, but I know they are two separate Hearts. They receive the hearts of their children with such tenderness and with such love).
(Note: * We will attempt to have someone in our group sketch what the perception was in the vision. It became so clear as to how the hearts actually appeared to be united as one. The two physical bodies actually disappeared leaving only the two hearts. The Sacred Heart of Jesus became much larger - the outline of a Heart completely surrounded by brilliant white flames. The Immaculate Heart of Mary then became the center of our Lord's Heart and the two pulsated as one heart. It also became clearer that as we walked this Lenten journey with our Lord, He was calling us to bring comfort to Him through comforting our fellow brothers and sisters. He always directed our attention away from the physical (sufferings) to the mercy which always remained in His eyes. Perhaps we need to "look" more carefully to "see" the needs of others by looking with the eyes of Jesus). *Sketch in center insert was done by Martha.
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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.