April 27, 2001

“My dear children,

Persevere in your efforts to achieve humility. My Son is well pleased with such souls and will immerse them in His Fountain of Mercy. Your world mistakenly believes humility to be a sign of weakness. I tell you it is a sign of great strength for to be humble is to conquer pride and recognize your dependence upon God.

My children, blessed are those who accept with love the wounds inflected by ignorance and lift up each erring soul before the Throne of God’s mercy imploring His compassionate grace to change arrogant hardened hearts into willing receptacles of His love. Pray with joyful hearts no matter what your circumstance in life might be for such prayers are treasures stored for you in Heaven. Be at peace."

(Commentary: How challenging it is to find that little corner of our soul in which God has planted a small seed of humility. How can we as mere humans even remotely hope to nurture this “virtue” unless we are permitted through God’s grace to recognize our many weaknesses and call upon God’s mercy to love and forgive one another that we may grow strong and healthy in our faith? We cannot

grow if our words and actions do not coincide with God’s Holy Will. God does call us and, yes, He often calls us to be last that others might be first ! )
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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.