August 10, 2001

(The following message was received during the Friday night Canyon Rosary and has been transcribed from an audio tape used to record the message as it was being dictated. The use of long dashes indicates pauses in Our Lady’s conversation where She may or may not interject "private" phrases not intended for the general public. This particular evening was interesting in that a number of people were "moved by the Holy Spirit" to make comments as to how this message was interpreted by them. The music was particularly uplifting and we once again thank Basil and his famous traveling guitar for being a part of this beautiful evening. As a matter of fact, we wish to thank all our Lord’s and His Mother’s faithful little groups that gather not only here but throughout the world spreading a blanket of prayer to cover all the hurting and lost souls in need of a tender touch of "spiritual love".)

“Listen, My children ............  calm your hearts ...... clear you minds and come and sit

around Me for I wish to relate a simple story that you might understand........ a story
no matter how short or how long God’s Will for your life upon this earth might

be ...........  there is a treasure. Look, little daughter........ what can you see?”(Pat) “I’m not sure it’s....... hum...... it looks like a baby, but it’s all wrapped up. Ican’t describe it. It’s an unborn child .............. that’s what it is. Look at the hands ....
tiny little hands .... one little thumb sucking in it’s mouth ....the other clenched.”
(Mary) "I tell you a story in a way that you may relate ........................ for I have often
spoken of treasures. Listen carefully. see the tiny clenched hand of this unborn child about to make its entrance into this world. It comes ... a precious gift from God

and the hand is still clenched. Why.......... why......... for inside the hand is a very
minute little chest unseen by the human eye but the child clutches this tiny chest. This chest remains with each and every one of you from the moment of

conception ............. through life.... and finally until you come into the sweetrefreshment of the Kingdom of God . The treasure ........... a chest of treasures that

only God can see............. for as each soul matures... the chest becomes larger and
changes from the simple innocent child like chest into one that has matured.

My children, you often search for God’s treasures. Do you not realize that God’s treasures often remain hidden until the time He deems most appropriate. The chest in each precious hand become more and more ornate as it draws closer to Jesus
............ to His love and to abiding in His Will. The beauty that only God sees, My
child, it is meant to be (hidden) ...............  for if one could see the treasure that isheld within the hand .............. pride would enter in and the treasure would become
tarnished. Realize now, My children, that the treasure within each chest is not the treasure which God has given to you, but it is your precious treasure to God Himself. Oh listen and understand that you are God’s precious treasures and what you bring to Him are the graces that have been accumulated from God through

your life .......... graces that shall in time bring glory to God.

Understand, My children ........... bear your sorrows and your crosses ........ yourjoys and your sorrows........... for each are tucked within this precious treasure ...this
box that becomes a precious gift to God. There is no value, My children, for these Gifts ... . when given from the heart are priceless treasures to God and as one day

you present them before the Throne of God......... each one shall be opened in His
presence and shall turn into a crown which will adorn His Throne”.

“Take My hand and walk with Me that I May show you the greatness of what is tocome. Are you tired, My child ?.......... then let the love of Jesus refresh your soulthat you may see what He wishes you to see ........  that you may speak the wordsHe wishes to be spoken. Look briefly ........... but for a moment”tongues................... (personal message of praise).
  • Hits: 3756

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.