August 17, 2001

(Visual): The message began in tongues. “ I cannot see it, Mother.......... I can’tmake it out........ it’s a strange shape”

“My child,

I have chosen you to be child like simplicity that what you see and what you try to explain shall be understandable to all My children. Concentrate now............................................................................................................... tell
Me what you see!” (Pat) “Looks like a key ...... all different sizes and shapes of
keys”. “And what, My child, do you believe these keys are for?.......... (what do theyrepresent?) Let Me help you. There are many different kinds of keys................. manysizes and shapes as there are many different sizes and shapes of Our children The
importance of the key is that it unlocks the Tabernacle in each heart!
You saw a key last night (This was at the 3rd Thursday of the month 3am Chapel vigil) ... You wrote (made personal notes) ...... for the key does unlock the Tabernacle of My Son    the other keys unlock the door of the heart (of Hischildren). Have you seen My Son as He knocks upon the door of the heart? .....
(Saw an old familiar picture which depicted Jesus knocking on a solid
door) ......for there is no knob and there is no keyhole (visible upon the door). The answer, My child, is that each heart does indeed have a keyhole in which My Son places His key but it is only the keyhole of free will that allows My Son toenter. So simple, My child ........  is it not? Then why..... why are so many of Mychildren struggling?.............. because they have let senseless ambition close the
keyhole to their heart. They have become intoxicated by worldly desires and no longer seek to entertain such a Guest as The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords!

Speak softly to each heart that these hearts will once again receive the tender touch of My Son and there shall appear the keyhole in which He places His Divine Love to heal and restore your (their) faith. You must allow God to
enter before He can heal you. He draws you from this world into the next by

simplicity...... by desire for holiness. Empty that which remains of yourself and
truly God will fill that with all He intends for your very soul and its salvation.

Believe and trust as a child that holds tightly to their Fathers hand trusting ....loving      always unafraid for their Father is there holding
securely to the hand that reaches up to Him.”

(Personal) “Rest now as I will speak to your heart and yours alone for you have so much to do        little daughter who sees the lights”*

(*Note): Often Our Lady comes as a Lady of lights....... just a brilliant silhouette
of colors impossible to adequately describe. An attempt to describe such attire would be garments of precious stones .... so bright yet barely discernable to the human eye.
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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.