January 5, 2001 (Blessed Mother) "My little children,

Seek Him Who is truth. Run eagerly after the Heart of Hearts that burns continuously with love for each of His children. As you prepare to remove the decorative ornaments of the season -- the trees -- the lights -- flowers and, yes, My children, even the manager scene placed in a most prominent place occasionally caught by the eye and felt by the heart. So too these memories of this Christmas shall pass as shadows  as have the memories of the many Christmases long since passed.

I am here to remind you that God¹s great gift of salvation is not seasonal, My children, nor can it be purchased with great wealth. It is a gift received (freely) only by a pure and humble heart which seeks the face of God . Obedience to His will and the acceptance of His mercy (the precious blood of Jesus).

Let the peace of My Son fill your hearts with strength and joy as you call upon

His most holy name."----------- ( long pause ---------  Voice now believed to the that of
an Angel).
"It is most important that holy water be placed in this room --- a crucifix be placed in this daughter’s hand and each who guard her test the spirit. For this is a time of great deception and all must be protected."

(Blessed Mother) "The shadows, My children, are also the souls who seek your prayers. Speak My child, what do you see?"

(Visual-Pat) “ They have no forms or faces ---- just grayish images and they're crying out to us. Help us --- pray for us. And I see some as we pray--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- light ---
the lights --- they are transformed into a light of sorts --- not brilliant as when our Blessed Mother comes, but they've changed in appearance and I understand that they've been released and God is calling them into His Kingdom. They rise with
such joy. They hear the sounds ---- voices ---- yet, not voices ----------- it’s sobeautiful. Each one is greeted by a choir ---------  so beautiful --- and the joy. The joy
shines so brilliant. We must pray for these souls for I am told our time shall come and we shall be dependent upon the prayers of these souls for whom we have prayed for many (here) will forget us as our time approaches, but God has made provisions and the Holy Souls shall pray for us."
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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.