January 26, 2001

("Thank you for this gift this night, My Lord and My God") “My dear children,

Praise be Jesus who has allowed Me to be with you these many years-------- Who
has allowed Me to come to Our oasis of souls. Daughter ---- look now but do not repeat ---- (Private visual followed which seemed like a long period of time; however, it lasted approximately 30 seconds of our time). My child ---- God is so merciful that with many prayers what you have seen may be mitigated.”

“ Oh little children,

You are being refined and fine-tuned as precious instruments sent into the Harvest. Yet, My heart is heavy this night for I must tell you as a Mother gently tries to persuade her children ---- to steer them on the proper path. O fragile humanity ---- stubborn and impatient. You hold onto the world with one hand

and the other you reach out for God. God did not hold back----------- He gave all and
He requires all from you! It is time ---- it is beyond time to make choices in your

lives -------- to rebuild broken relationships-------- to reach out to those whom you
have wounded with your words or with your actions. Precious little children, hear the pain in your Mother. I weep for those bound to the world with self-love, but --

- I rejoice in the abundant mercy of God for all of His children!”

(Visual: Pat) (Now?) “It is very bright --- almost too bright to look at ---- there are two very large angels (I think) and in front of them they hold a torch --- no, a stand with seven torches on each stand. It¹s like a curtain that¹s being opened --- a veil ---- There is a lamb -- a lamb on the altar --- more beautiful than I can describe. Then there’s our Mother --- hands folded on Her chest -- head bowed in

great reverence. The altar seems suspended and in the back --- almost around the altar --- four, five, six (I appear to be counting) --- 12 chairs --- 12 more -- kind of like thrones and there are men (I believe) sitting on these thrones praising God ---- praising the Lamb. Beneath the altar flows a river --- a river of red. It passes beneath the angels holding the torches. It seems to be suspended in air -- but beneath -- there are all the children -- reaching up to God. This river -- like red rubies glistening so brightly --- slowly falling on all of the precious children. I believe they are martyred. (There is no response to my questions) I can only assume perhaps they are being cleansed by the blood of the Lamb. (No need to fear, Our Lord is with us).(After visual was over further clarification was given) "We shall see greater disasters than these and there will be no holding back the hand of Her Son. She calls us to pray -- to pray and to pray. Even though there is a warning there is never a sense of anxiety or fear. There is just a tremendous love and tremendous sense of sorrow because there are only a handful of warriors fighting a battle against many, but that will be sufficient if we persevere and be true to our Lord."
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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.