July 20, 2001

(Visual: It looks like a valley, but it’s not a desert ... it is an orchard with all kinds of trees filled with fruit. (Personal ... I have Your hand) ... don’t understand what I am supposed to see. We’re turning around now ... so pretty ... "Look ahead." There are mountains. It’s our little mountain. I see the Cross. We seem far away. I can just make out a chapel and the statue of the Blessed Mother. Looks like something growing on the mountain... it’s almost like a blank . . . can’t make it out ... it’s moving. Oh my, they are people ... . lots and lots of people.)

“My dear children,

Praise be Jesus, My beloved Son , and Our Savior for He has entrusted you and those who come with a mission of mercy... for this is a holy place and to this holy place shall come those who hurt........ those who are unloved              those who are
distressed with life. We ask you, dear children, to be little Missionaries of Mercy.

I wish to tell you of greatness. This greatness of which I speak is within each and everyone of Our children ... .but each must wait for that precious moment from God. As He speaks, each precious soul matures and ripens like the fruit from the trees which you just saw. This gift of greatness is, My children, the gift of humility, trust and simplicity all graces from God. It is a gift given to each

precious soul who will open their hearts to receive it. Greatness ......... this greatness

........ does not deem itself worthy of applauSenor of earthly recognition. It seeks to
go unnoticed ... hidden in the shadows until God calls ... for as He calls ... the power of His presence enlightens each soul with such strength to go forward to

embrace the hurting .......... the lonely ....... the forgotten. That, My children, is your
purpose here ....for this, Our Holy Mountain, is a refuge for souls. It is but one of a few scattered throughout this world. I call you to pray and prepare ... for you will  require much strength! Trust in My Son as I encourage you this night and bless each of you, My precious, precious children”!

(Special instructions:  We were asked to form teams with various talents ... those who can be of service in specific areas when necessary. We must all seek to be in a state of grace as we will be working with souls in need of God’s mercy. Thiswill help us in times to come............ All those with special talents (gifts) will help usfunction more smoothly........ for God’s plans are great and He is giving amplewarning.......... we must prepare now...... we must prepare now! )
  • Hits: 3554

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.