March 30, 2001

(Visual: I am shown what looks like the sky .... it's dark ....although I don't see any
stars. It's like a canvass ready to be painted. I'm starting to see images and outlines, but nothing is clear. It's like a camera that's not in focus. I can't
see.......... now......... there are many roads .... all of stars .... going in differentdirections. I'm standing before one and it's so beautiful... .I'm just looking..... it'sso inviting........ I want to go down......... but I can't. It's not the right one. It's a falsebeauty. It's a worldly beauty. It's not what our Lord calls us to.......... can't go downthat one......... have to look for another one.There is a path ........ lots of people .... kind of a narrow line. There is no pushing shoving .. ..just calm. It's hard to describe, but it's like a river that's flowing undisturbed It's so beautiful. It's almost like a costume party. It's very odd. The
ones in the front I can barely see. They are wearing some sort of robes.....
something just very old. In the middle where I appear to be there are just different styles of clothing. These people (I'll call them people) are all different sizes ... even children. I see people in uniforms ... all kinds. I can't describe what they belong to or to whom (country). There are people in habits. I would say they are monks . I can see some with collars (I know they are priests). There are Sisters in habits ....some are strange ...really old ...but I know what they are. I'm watching history.
These are all souls. I see them ........ they all bend down and they reach for
something. It's small and they pick it up and take it in their hands. There is a burst of light like millions of stars exploding. I can see faces. And the pieces of whatever they are holding ...they've turned into crosses. I am told to look towards the front of the line. Now it all makes sense. There is Jesus. These people have picked up a splinter from His cross. They are walking in the footsteps of the Master.
I've never seen this before .... there is our Mother ... I'm sure it's our Mother and She is behind Jesus but in front of the people and there is a cross............................................................................................................. there is across...... it's not on Her shoulder exactly as Her hands are in front kind of holding

Her robe so that She can walk. There are little angels .... they look like littlebabies ...chubby with wings...... and one has got his little body and wings betweenthe cross and Her shoulder. He's supporting the cross...... there are others that are
helping. The cross is clear. It's like crystal clear and I'm watching and at the
very bottom.... I see drops of water (?) .... looks like water........ and Jesus says:

"These precious souls have chosen well. They have recognized the beauty of the cross and they have embraced its pain and suffering as one embraces a loved one. As for My Mother's cross Her cross .... Her cross is the cross of tears that She
shed then and sheds now for all mankind. With each tear that falls upon an

unrepentant heart ........ many graces will flow to that soul to enkindle in it the desire
for My Mercy. Pray now during these last few weeks of Lent that many souls will receive My gift of Salvation."

  • Hits: 3685

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.