May 18, 2001

“My dear children,

Times such as these cause My children to ponder reality and question spirituality to such a degree that life becomes a struggle of uncertainty. More time is needed in prayerful communion with God to renew and strengthen the foundation of trust in which God displays His mercy.

He invites you to a feast ............... a great celebration. You are welcomed in your joy
but especially in your bruised and brokenness. He asks only that you come for He delights in His beloved children who show loving trust in His forgiveness and unconditional love. Do not be afraid, My children, to accept God’s invitation for it is an invitation written and sealed with the precious blood of Jesus. The heavens proclaim the glory of God as each precious soul is seated at the Lord’s Table of Salvation.”
(Commentary: After prayerful discernment regarding this particular message, it is felt our Blessed Mother is referring to the “Mass” as the supper to which we are all invited. What joy should be in our hearts to know that our Lord personally invites us to feed upon the “Bread of Life” daily so that we may receive the nourishment and strength necessary to perform our tasks in life. We are never left alone; on the contrary, we are well fortified to face whatever obstacles may befall us if we but only accept God’s “invitation” for spiritual renewal.)
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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.