October 12, 2001

(Conversation with Samuel)The following message is somewhat unusual in that it is the first message in which I have actually received a direct message (conversation) from Samuel, my guardian angel. The particular Scripture which I thought I had (personally) discerned to read 1 Samuel 2: 1-10, was read before the Rosary, and I thought it had no further meaning to the evening; it was just a beautiful reading. Our faithful group of prayer warriors were in attendance and the evening began beautifully with song. This message is of such an unusual nature we urge you to read it slowly, carefully, and with much discernment from the Holy Spirit. As you read the first part of the message, you will understand it is more of a conversation rather than an actual message which we have previously experienced.Tongues ... (Pat)........ In the name of Jesus, My Lord, identify yourself.

“I am He whom you have called upon this week in a most difficult time. I am the one who never leaves you. I am He of whom you spoke. Greetings, my child, from Samuel! I have come at the bidding of My Lord and God to comfort you, to encourage you through these difficult moments of decision ...........................................................................  for truly you arefree to choose........ to follow or not, but, my child, follow you shall .... for youhave been marked by God His servant ............. His messenger. Shall I tell you this

week when I held your hand............ when I wiped your tears.......... when I took you
into my arms. Listen and remember, one thing, we discussed love, we discussed
memories and we discussed money.”

“I asked you to walk in a familiar room, darkened.......... totally without light .......  to
carefully touch those things that came within your path. There were many large objects, child. What room did you choose?” (Pat) “ I chose my mother’s bedroom because I was so filled with uncertainty and disappointment.” “And beneath the

darkness what did you feel?” “I smelled my mother’s clothes...... the perfume she
used to wear and I remembered all the times we shared.”
“You will help

many....... for this journey takes place in every life............ for all will lose those they
love and what is left but ... memories. Did you notice you did not need the light?

Memories........ don’t require light. What would you choose, little charge ofmine? Would you choose the memories of clothes long worn.......... slightlyscented with an old perfume          or would you disregard and seek something of a

worldly value that brings no meaning to life? Finally............ my little charge...... you
have found peace for you chose well!

“Tell them not to be afraid of the darkness for beautiful memories lay tucked away in a garden lit only by the stars       the stars of God. I shall continue with you............. to journey’s end. Confide in me. I long for our conversations. Littledaughter with so much to do            pray     and pray intently for your world shakes

as it has never shaken before............ let there not be fear in the darkness nor fear in
the shaking but true joy in knowing that God is always in control. His you

are........ His you shall be .... mistakes, yes, you shall make, but God will helpcorrect those. Be at peace and let love........... just love ....... rule your lives.”(Commentary): He (Samuel) has light brown hair and blue eyes. He wears a cream colored robe with a darker sash around his waist. He has such penetrating eyes. There leaves no doubt in my mind that God has sent His angels with one purpose and one purpose alone to bring us safely back to Him.
  • Hits: 3652

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.