October 19,2001 Message began in tongues              

(Jesus) “Daughter of My Heart,

It has been awhile since we have spoken one on one....... but tonight is our

night....... for we have much ground to cover ..

I waited for you last night.......... resting quietly in My Tabernacle ........  I waited to

hear your voice ............... to call My Name...... My Jesus... and then the joy of being
exposed for all to see .... for all to see My love for each of My children. Do you not think I am unaware of your being tired? For I have given you much
responsibility ...... but the work must be done and the harvesters are still few. Mychildren brought joy to My heart........... for few in number they seemed, each seatwas completely filled. The songs ... the sounds of Heaven’s choir ..sang the whole

time ......... the whole time that you praised Me...... the whole time that you sat

quietly....... and just looked at Me as I looked at you.

My children, if you only knew how strong how strong this is this force  which comes into your life          the power of My presence.......................................... .you would not miss a day to come to speak with Me. Time now is at a great impasse                   notundefeatable....... but at a great impasse ........ for your world fears....... and it shouldnot fear. For where I am there is no fear. In one hand there is love ............. the other

hand holds fear. It is like mixing oil with water ................ they do not mix .... so I take
from you, if you so choose to give Me, your anxiety and your pain and allow My

love to remove any fear in your life ...... to bring only peace........ only joy.And I wish to speak of My Mother. She is always with Me. She was with Me as a child as We sat in grassy knolls and pulled the stems from the field and made great treasures of something so simple. She is here with you now helping to plan your treasures for the day that you will be presented to My Father. My Mother and My Mother alone, holds the key to My Heart. Honor Her             love Her do
not disrespect Her. I will not tell you what such actions shall bring should you
dishonor My Mother.......... but think of the times when She is with you whenyou feel Her peace and Her joy................... and remember .....that She is My Mother

............  My Mother whom I gave to you.

Let us go to a great banquet tonight. Dress in your finest affair (attire would seem more appropriate .... but is that where the Lord is leading us?) and bring one gift and one gift only. What is your finest affair (Perhaps more discerning is required for obviously our Lord is not referring to an actual wardrobe, but something of far greater meaning. He challenges us to “think” as He did His disciples over two thousand years ago) your humility........................................ your gentle

Spirit ....... your love and your patience. What gift do I ask ... but your heart
wrapped as you so desire. Lay it in a box of beautiful flowers ... .tied with

ribbons ......... and as I greet you........... take your gift to the table prepared for such(gifts) ............ and then, as the evening progresses, when I call your name...... go to

the table........ pick up your gift .. .and walk side by side with your loving Savior, for
we will be heading to My Father and your Father. Be filled with peace and only

My peace will do ............ for so much distracts your world......... that you must trust

Me...... you must believe Me ....... that no matter what .....you are mine! I bless
each of you, My dear children, this night.”

(Commentary): (Pat) “It’s (banquet) by invitation only ......not everyone can get in ...we ’d better get ready. Our finest attire ... only our best will do for Our Lord."
  • Hits: 3630

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.