September 7, 2001

(Angel) “Has thou forgotten! Where is the crucifix that goes in this ones hand?”

There was a fairly long pause. (Months earlier we were instructed that the “special” crucifix used to give our Lady’s special blessing is to be placed in my hand as the message is being received ......... it had apparently been laid upon my chest instead. It should be noted that we try to have those familiar with this “special time” be present as often as possible. Sometimes during the overwhelming gift of the moment we become so intense in prayer (alleluia) we have “senior moments”. “We shall wait then.” An even longer pause until the crucifix was placed in my hand.)

“My dear children,

I invite you this night to come with Me.......... to remove yourself from everythingthat does not pertain to My Son... that does not pertain to prayer and love of

neighbor for you are gathered here as My beloved children........... children which I
am preparing for a great race. See the athlete as he prepares and conditions

himself for a great race .......... strengthening his muscles and his endurance that he
may compete to the best of his ability.

You, My children, are also athletes but an athlete for souls. I ask you to prepare as you would be running a race to condition yourself to endure for the race is long and you must be prepared. Pray, for through prayer comes strength that will nourish your soul to persevere. Children, as you run this race, do not look over your shoulder  for over your shoulder is yesterday and as you concentrate
on yesterday you stumble through the precious moments of today!

Think of Me as the Mother who prepares the child for a great race........ but the child
is still a toddler. Do you not think that I would scurry to prevent harm from
befalling him.............. so I your Mother constantly scurry after you. You areMine .........  placed into My care. I am your Trainer ........ to strengthen yourSoul......... to prepare you for this race of life for the starting line is conception and
the finish line is the arms of Jesus!”. (Tongues ... followed by a brief private
(Visual): “There is something like a racing area in the center and everyone is lined up. There are different shades of lights ... perhaps different nationalities (I can’t really identify them). There is a bell that goes off and everyone starts out in this race, but you can’t exactly see the competition. The competition is*time! You’re only allowed so much time to complete your race. The stadium is full and there are voices and they are so encouraging. They are saying come on! ... come on! just a little further .... come on!. It’s Jesus He’s waiting.. comeon you can do it......... don’t look back, just put one foot in front of the other............ keep going. Then you sense someone has fallen. You can’t leave him haveto stop, that’s what God wants. Let me help you..... he slips his arm over ourshoulder and you keep going......... it’s hard, but you keep going. It’s a race forsouls. We are all in it........ we are all accountable. None must be lost!”(Private message with visual).(*Commentary): All through this particular message as we were trying to transcribe it, in the background we kept hearing this strange sound. My husband called the prayer warrior who was in attendance as the message was being dictated and asked if she was wearing a watch or anything that might have a “ticking sound”. She replied “no”. We finally realized as we continued transcribing the message, the ticking sound was that of a clock. There was, however, no physical clock to be found to make that “tick-tock” that mysteriously was heard on the recording. The rest of the tape was examined and found to be normal. Only this particular message had the sound of a clock........................................................................................... our
competition is the race of “time”.

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.