September 14, 2001

Tongues ... “Yes, My Jesus.” ... tongues ...

“I, the Jesus of Mercy have come to you My children who show mercy. Mercy is a gift .... yet a gift which is learned. As a child who receives a new toy, he must learn how to play. .... for you My gift of mercy is much more significant. For to learn is to be in yourself merciful. You come .... you pray for your needs

and those of others, but it is to My merciful heart that all these petitions are gathered and sorted and here I look about and say, My children, be My little missionaries of mercy. Where ever you come from where ever you go ....
you are mine .... My little missionaries of love.”
(Visual) “I see people marching .... banners flying .... children .... life .... a march for life. A march for souls, but people are not cheering .... they are very rude.” “What is Life they say; what is life? I cannot see it, therefore it is not life”. “But God says”. “My children you march for Me .... you march for My unborn children. Receive My blessing for there shall be many times .... many times in your life which shall seem like a trial .... a trial for life. Stand up for truth and justice for soon there will be no place to stand, except before the Throne of God.!”

(Mary) “My dear children .... filled with uncontrollable emotion. Take My hand .... rest your heart upon mine for together we must sort through this day. We must sort through the events that have happened and are yet to happen! Remember it is up to God to disperse His graces as He sees fit. You wonder at times.... for you say” “ I don’t comprehend .... I don’t understand Lord, My human frailty blocks my understanding .... help me, heal me."

(Jesus) “ Child....... the one who receives grace oblivious to such a great gift is the
one chosen by God. For this one has been made into a garden in which the seed of grace has been planted and nurtured by God himself. There is no need to worry
My child. (private reference)....... (Message then continued).... For you My children
.... have you not read? .... I shall lead you through the valley of the shadow of death for I am with you. You know that life is but a temporary moment in time .... it is like a shadow which casts an image upon the world .... gradually in time it fades .... but it fades into eternity. It grieves My heart that as yet so many of My children do not understand the importance of mercy .... for without My mercy there is no healing of the wounds ....there is no chance for that final moment as you stand before Me to come into My Kingdom .... and you .... you must not
judge. Sorrow and pain I understand.... judgment (our human tendency to judge)
you do not .... for that has been reserved for one and one alone. Believe and trust
in Me your Merciful Savior......... for the wounds of the past shall heal and new
wounds shall open .... but those too shall heal .... for those who love and trust in Me are My children chosen from the beginning of time. *The little box you clutch in your hand is precious to Me. For I know one day you shall reveal its contents before My throne, and together We shall go through each moment of your life. Be

simple....... forgiving .......  as your wounds heal. This shall become easier, for
together you and I shall walk the path that leads to eternity.”

(Note: See message August 10, 2001 for reference of “little box”).(Visual): I see a rainbow (actually two rainbows)........... one crosses the other. The
tips of the rainbow have been straightened ... not remaining arched or curved as a
normal rainbow. I see bits of........ I don’t know what to call them . perhaps glitterysparkling precious stones similar to confetti ...................... just so beautiful. I
understand that they are the graces that are falling upon this valley. For as I
look .... the rainbow has formed a perfect cross. Its center is a circle...... thecircle of life .... it is Jesus. The rainbow is His promise........... cling to Him .... for He
is truth and in Him can be found nothing but truth!
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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.