December 27, 2002

(The following year-end message was received during the Friday night Canyon Rosary and has been transcribed from the audio recorder used to record the message. As often happens, many present felt the power of the Holy Spirit and it was another beautiful evening. Please discern as you read the following.)

“My dear child,

You have heard these words spoken many times in the silence of your heart. But now it is time to reveal how God loves and chooses His precious children to be witnesses of His holy word ........ witnesses of truth. Many of you go through the years carrying such heavy burdens..................................................................... carrying memories that you cannot forget..........  memories best left on their own ......... .that God in His great wisdom will
heal and restore the brokenness of the hearts. This is the time for a new beginning, a time to reflect back through the years and find that special moment ........that
special time of joy............. and praise God that you were allowed such a opportunity.......... such a grace filled moment............ .a treasure to keep forever. For memories
of joy are indeed treasures and these you shall store and recall from time to time

when moments become more difficult in life. You will remember................ . and the
smile will once again come upon your lips and your eyes will light with the fire of

love........ for God loves you and sends these treasures your way that you may save

them........... .savor them and recall them at the proper moment.

Yes, a time of new beginning........... a new strategy. What do you wish to change in

your lives .......... to draw you closer to Almighty God? What can you do in a simple
humble way to bring joy into the heart of another? That is what God asks of you. Always my children, look beyond the exterior for the interior beauty of each of

Gods creatures. Search diligently until you find the treasures .............  and then
rejoice with one another for what was lost has now been found.

I bless you and I encourage you to persevere as you reflect upon My messages of the past. Read them My children for there is much wisdom .....simple guidance ..... simple facts of love and truth. May your year be filled with joy and courage ........ that you shall love My Son beyond all measure ........................................................................ that you shall see Him
everywhere you look and praise and glorify His Holy Name. Praise the Name of

Jesus.......... My precious, precious children.”
  • Hits: 3475

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.