February 1, 2002

( When Our Lord speaks of “the decay of the body” He recognizes that many of us are experiencing the pain and discomfort which is a natural evolution of age and with others who are experiencing disease, pain and suffering at a younger age. Read how the great gift this can be to Our Lord. In the second part [Pat’s words] we emphasize that the spiritual relationship of Pat with God continues to be a reMariable expression of personal prayer and hunger to be with Him in the next world. Because of her personal exposure to what lies in the hereafter, she simply longs to complete her temporary stay in this world as we know it. Much of this message pertains to all of us in reference to how we respond to the requests of Our Lord.)

(Pat)...... “A great burst of light”. (Jesus)      “My child,

I am with you and all of My children gathered here this night............ for I have seen
the sorrows of the hearts and I have seen the decay of the body. I wish to speak with you..... that each may understand that their pain and suffering is a great gift to Me if they so choose to offer it to Me. I need you..... I need My souls who will place themselves as victims for those children who do not realize they run quickly

into the abyss of eternal damnation. It is hard......... I know My children, it is

hard............ when you feel so weak and I ask so much.....but it is My strength that I
shall give thee. Offer what you can with great love and that will make all the

difference. If it be but a little that you can give Me each day............. give it to Mewith great love and I shall take and use your precious offering as a treasure .........  a
treasure that will capture and hold the souls bound to be lost. We do not give up

my children. We call upon each and every one of you as a source ......... as a source
of great strength that you do not realize you possess. This is why you must

pray...... you must speak to Me. You say”.... “I cannot pray .... they are just

words......... senseless words that I read from a book.....what does My Lord obtain
from this?” “My child, speak your heart.”

(Pat) “My God...... how can I speak ... for to whom do I speak ... for Thou art the Trinity .....Father... Son... and Holy Spirit ...and I ......I am ......who knows who I am... but a soul that seeks to love Thee... that seeks to draw closer to your heart. I want no more than to be near your heart...... to draw others to the Fountain of Your Mercy...... and yet, and yet My Jesus, I feel so worthless. I lie helpless ... unable to say great things... do great things... .. accomplish great things......but You, My Lord, it is you I wish to see. It is you I call my “Love” ...... the Love of my heart to be joined with you forever...... and this world holds me, Lord. This world holds me as an anchor about my neck and I cannot flee from here. What is it My God ......what is it that Thou would have me do...... an unworthy soul can accomplish so little? But I crawl as a toddler...... learning to place one knee... one little hand in front of the other...... and I crawl to Thee ...... and say” “My Jesus... whisper in my ear”...... “Who am I that you should love me... that you should open your heart to receive a mere baby who has so little to offer... but whose heart burns with fire when I come close to Thee. I burn...... I burn, My Lord ... for it is Thee I want... and no matter of whom I should read I cannot compare to precious souls...... precious Saint. I can only be myself and have my own hunger and my own thirst in my own little way...... and My God... it is Thee who I know will renew and make this world a better place......but these precious children ...... those that say I know not how to pray ... they have but to listen to their heart. Words are not necessary...... for one heart speaks to the next ...... and surely, My God, it is Your heart that understands each beat of ours.”“ Precious Jesus......Oh Our Lord...... grant us the strength. Grant those the strength that come especially this night... and those that cannot make these prayer meetings and think that they have no part when my God you have sent your word throughout the world...... not by our means...... but by your mighty hand. So all are part of our gathering... all are part of this group...... Our Lady’s Group ...... who prays to Thee Almighty God, in thanksgiving for your Mother who comes to us so gently and so sweetly, and says” “My Son, calls you...He needs you ...... He loves you. Do not be afraid to face the challenges ... to face the pain... for it is all part of a glorious crown that one day shall be placed upon your head.”“Tonight there will be a great change for many of your children. For they shall thirst and hunger for your heart as never before. Words will not be necessary ...... but the look on their face ...... their actions ...... the gentleness of their eyes ......shall say”...... “My God ...... I shall walk with you. To the very end ... I shall walk with you. And you, My Lord, will be there ...... the gate will open and Your arms will be outstretched ...... for we have followed your path.” “ Never fear. When you are called to great things for God ...... for He shall always give you the means by which to accomplish His mission.”
  • Hits: 3544

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.