February 8, 2002

(Mary) “My beloved children,

Once again we begin preparation for these forty days of Lent ....... each requiring much preparation. My children you have seen by example how the evil one attempts to destroy and disrupt. This is a warning of that which is to come. I ask of thee this night to pray and renew your consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to My Immaculate Heart daily that you may receive spiritual courage and strength for the journey ahead.” (Tongues) “I give to you this night two words; first, sacrifice        a pearl of hope     second, penance……          the precious gem
of reparation. Use these diligently during this holy time and you shall be a source
which God will use to help pursue the souls for His Kingdom.

(The following segment pertains to the recipient of the message (Pat); as you will note the inference to “child”. It also later refers to the general public, meaning “children”).“God does not interfere with your lives, My child, as you so thought. My poor child, you become so confused .... but still speak for there is more for others. You (children) are asked to commit yourself totally to God. You cannot choose  God and the world ……..only one choice may be made. When you become tired,

disillusioned, dissatisfied with life ............  I beg of thee to immerse yourself in

prayer ..... and come.............. hide beneath the Tabernacle of My Son............ where
you may receive courage and He shall see His child and all the children who will
obey My request. Strength only comes from God............ do not be misled especiallyas the trials increase ..........  for God has great plans for those who come............ forthose who pray.......... for those who seek His mercy........... for you are the children
who trust .... who are faithful and that is what He calls you to be ....... His faithful little children! I will walk with you through this Lenten journey for attack after attack shall come, but be assured that God has sent His angels to guard you carefully ..... to give you courage to persevere.”

“Watch the steps before you. Trod only where the Master has walked ..... as I have told you, it is well illuminated        bend and look       do you not see the

stains upon the stones? They are stains of “love”... and the others you see ….they
are the faithful Saints uniting their blood and tears ..... when faithfully following Him to journeys end. That is where we shall go. We shall go as a family united

in Christ. One will be strength for another …. the journey is difficult and will be
made more so because of the sin that has immersed itself in your world. It is a time for courage..... and you are My courageous warriors....... armed with My Rosary and My Scapular and great faith. Oh, My children, it is time to take My hand now as the journey soon begins. We must not be late. God is expecting  us!”

(Pat) (Visual) “I see an open hilly area. It looks like someone has built a large bonfire beneath a large slab of wood. It looks like something that would be an old fashioned sacrifice of years ago. But I recognize these people. My Lord, I see...... these are people I know. I don’t understand. It is very large... this sacrificial table. I don’t know what else to call it. There is someone there ...standing above these people. An angel ... but ... it raises its arm with a great weapon ready to come down upon these people...... and I hear.... “Do not touch these .....with stay thy arm for they are Mine.” I hear the voice...... I recognize the voice...... but it’s a Lamb...... a beautiful white gentle Lamb. There are no weapons raised. Everyone has been released. We are to follow the Lamb ......     the Lamb of God.” (Tongues) “I see... I am to wait until later.” (This would indicate either a follow up or some type of connection to this Lenten message.)
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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.