January 18, 2002

(Pat) “Holy Mother......I did not think you would come tonight. You have been with me all this day and I kept telling you, I don’t know how to say the words you wish me to use. Mother of My Lord and God   I am thy servant.”

(Mary) “My dear child,

It has been difficult, especially for you this week, for the hearts which melted together last week have remained bound as one. Your words were sweet, My child. They were fragrant as the flowers ..... they were all those things you said you could not do        you could not say .....but see the power of God................................................................................. and how
e takes this child and molds it to His perfection.

I have gazed around the room this night......... and I see many......... many of My
beloved children.....who have come... .and I have watched that seed of Divine
Love sprout from within their hearts into the tiny seedling which it has

become......... and I will continue to watch.......... for these are My children, entrusted

with a great mission of My Son. You ask........... tell us what to do,

Mother ......... what shall we do next ..... which way to go........... what material touse............ and I say to you.....you are the children of God ..... He has entrusted in
each of you the ability to make decisions. He has placed in your heart the desire for prayer to commune with Him. Use these gifts, My children. You hang as a
child hangs upon a mother’s apron strings........ not wanting to lose balance .........
not wanting to let go of security. We will be with you. You think your work is finished ?…..   this beautiful gift.....these Stations of the Cross shall truly be well
known .....but I tell you........... roll up thy sleeves........... put on thy sturdiest boots
and take a great stance for the road ahead requires much climbing
.....it is steep .....it is difficult .....but the job ahead shall be accomplished.

I wish for you to take a break .........  let’s take a coffee break........ but instead of
coffee I offer you the fruit of the Spirit of Patience. Eat heartily that you will grow strong.....that you will grow wise and that your hearts will be filled with

love. There will be less questions, but many answers.............. for God shall give you
a great gift ..... a great gift of knowledge. Pray, My children. Do not be afraid to pray.” (Tongues)...
(Pat) “I see it ......yes, there is a very large hedge......a very large hedge ...... kind of like a square. It is a beautiful, beautiful garden... but the hedge is shaped funny ... but by the entrance, there is a most beautiful statue of Our Lord and Our Dear Mother. Our Lord is bending on one knee. His hand is reaching out to the water which flows just so gently from the fountain....... and the little animals come because they see what I did not see......They are not statues......it is our Lord and our dear Mother......and She asks (yes, please) (She asks if I would like for Her to take my hand because we must walk through this hedge.) It is light. I believe it must be the morning hours because the birds are singing and the sky is beautiful. There is such a freshness in the air......and as I walk, I feel a sense of peace because our Mother is there. There is no fear...it is beautiful. It’s a maze ...... that what it is......we have to get to the center ...... make a right turn ......and it’s like a tiny area all of lights...of beautiful lights. But the lights are a sense of peace...                 a hunger in the soul...... a hunger of which I want more. I want more Lord, I want more... is there more? And we continue walking . She smiles and leads me down the walkway into various little rooms...... five rooms, six rooms, all different ... all radiant. But its not the body that feels these things ... it is the soul.

The soul that cries within us. God allows us to see with our souls the beauty which lies before us. Allow us to feel these things My God, that we might truly be Thy servants... filled with Thy love. The last room (I’m not ready... I can’t make the last one). It is so glorious......so glorious.”

(Mary) “My Child.......... each room is an area..... an interior area of the soul.....
which through much prayer and deep love for God ..... you shall reach ..... and

you shall attain the sanctity to which God calls you. Persevere........... I shall always
hold your hand. It is when you are ready that We will continue the journey.

Enjoy God’s goodness.......... His blessings .... this night.

Next week, I shall tell you the story of the “broken cup”. Bring all your problems as well as your joys, for by evening’s end the cup will be filled and brimming with the graces of God.”

  • Hits: 3777

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.