July 12, 2002


(Mary) “Come, My children, as I gather each of you and draw you into My Immaculate Heart .... to free you from the anxiety and despair which has overtaken many of My children. I am a loving Mother who cares so tenderly for each of Her children. What mother who truly loves her child does heave a deep sigh as that child prepares to leave home ..... to leave without the watchful eye of the mother who directed and protect him. You are this child. No matter what age .....you are this child that must leave and begin your journey ..... the journey to My Son. Do you think My heart was not heavy (sigh) when I embraced My Jesus and knew where His journey led? And you my children     you need not know what lies

ahead but only to where you journey.......... and that is to Jesus. He has provided
directions ....... signs all along this journey of life. Your directions found in Holy

Scripture ........  your signs all about you in this world ......... from people you

meet....... to material you read .........  all contain signs. It is God Who loves you so
intensely and has allowed this journey.

 He has sent the Holy Spirit to be your constant companion. My visitations have been a special grace and I love each of you with the heart and the love that only a Mother can express. You, too, must embrace Me and let go             confident that
God is always caring for His children. Draw closer to Him ..... abide in His will.
 (tongues)  It is My desire that you always be reconciled with The Father for around the corner you cannot see... and in God’s grace you must stand. It is either Heaven or  Hell, My children. I have taught you .... and I have taught you well. You are strong …. believe that you are strong .............................................................. .. let your faith grow by trusting in
God’s mercy. Oh, little ones, I feel in My Heart... .a slight twinge ....that a Mother feels when She has taught and raised Her children and then sent them on
their way......... for She places each and everyone of them into the hands of Her
Son. Rest assured you have a place with My Son .....continue in your efforts with joy .....not sorrow .....for I will not leave you .... but it is time .....it is time, My


Embrace Me tonight ..... love Me, as you love Your Mother .....look into My eyes and see the love that will never leave you        never leave you. I bless you as I
have blessed you many times and I shall continue to keep you beneath My Mantle.”

(Personal conversation) ... Mother......(Visual) “ It’s so bright ..... very different. There is a multitude of people and it looks like they are going their way in life....it seems odd, but they are all taking different forms of transportation. Some are walking ... .others driving and I see what looks like bicycles             it’s more “modern” than I have seen before, and
everyone is paying attention because in the middle of this huge multitude there is
this great pillar. I want to say a pole.. it’s huge ... . it’s glowing and it has a light
at the top .....one in the center ..... and one at the bottom. The light at the top is
on ....... everyone stops! The last light has turned and everyone moves andcontinues their journey. The center light comes on....... it is a golden color andpeople stop and they reflect ... . some proceed......... some take more time........ theyare very cautious and they continue on........ (It looks an awful lot like a stoplight ……a traffic signal). Is God directing traffic ........  Mother, is that what it is?And I hear a voice that says”......... .

(Mary) “It is the yellow light............. the light of caution........... but proceed”.

(Pat) “I feel and inner voice … so powerful. I know that it has to be the Holy Spirit …sent to lead and direct us … our conscience……do we proceed … or do we delay?”

(Mary) “Which ever we choose we must trust completely in the Will of God. For His love will allow no harm to come to us. We are His children ...................................................................................................................  remain
close to Him ..... remain close to Him. I want no more tears oh little children, oh little flowers of My fields. I want great joy for what you have received ..... and yes, I shall return, but I tell you this night that there will be others that will hear My words ….. and they must be courageous and speak My words ……. as you, My daughter, have courageously spoken .....even in times of great turmoil
have spoken .....so they too will find the courage to speak. I rejoice with you for My time with you has been a great joy ..... a great blessing.”

(Note): In preparing to “draft” the message of July 12th, I paused to select a reading from the Diary of Saint Faustina for the Sunday Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Rosary. The book immediately fell open to page 17. I began reading #30 and stopped when I read “I saw an inaccessible light, and in this light what appeared like three sources of light which I could not understand.” In my simplistic view of things, the traffic signal I was trying to describe was possibly the Holy Trinity. God the Father in whose presence no one could move, overwhelmed by His DivinePower; (the second light to go on) The Son, in whose peace and love we continue to grow and proclaim His word, without fear ; just busy doing His work in the fields of souls; and, finally the third light to go on    the yellow light of caution; perhaps the Holy Spirit as He guides us, often stirring our conscience to do what is right and pleasing to God. This is truly a message for great discernment!It apparently was not the order of the lights as they appeared on the pillar, but the significance of the order in which they became illuminated. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!
  • Hits: 3516

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.